Thursday 24 November 2016

Character portrait

Hair reaching under her ear that is coloured with brown, blonde and streaks of grey. A strong kiwi accent echoes as she speaks. A grey rope necklace with a yellow, wooden bird on the end. As she walks around town she is makeup free.Walking with her baggy, blue woolen shirt on. Dark blue denim jeans cover her legs from top to bottom, dark and light brown high heel boots that make her look taller, are sitting at the bottom of her jeans. Fair skin tends to turn pink in hot pools and middle of summer weather. Thin lips at the bottom of her face have absolutely no lipstick on them. Deep blue eyes that are surrounded by marble white. As she walks towards you with an even pace you can smell weak perfume she sprayed a couple of days ago. An average height shadow is lying on the ground next to her feet. Listening whenever she hears the word, mum.

A trustworthy personality never tells a secret. Strong opinions are mostly always correct. Being funny and having a bubbly personality is one of the many reasons why I love her. Putting up with my sister is like asking for $1,000,000 but she seems to make it work. Open to new opportunities she is always going places with her job. Having two children must be hard but she still looks out for us and all of her students. When she has been put down, she always finds a way to get back up. She is resilient. Always believing in us and encourages us to do better.

Known to be resilient because of a small incident with a girl named Amy. Whenever she leaves the room and her name is mentioned people usually talk about her and her job. When talking to other people she talks for quite a long time. Also known to be the partner of a loving and caring man named Pete. As she walks around town with her beautiful, amazing, awesome children people start to stare. (At her children). Being the humorous person that she is, her jokes are another reason she sticks to your brain.

An early start to the day leads her down her everyday route to her my Nana’s house before work. When she has finished her cup of weak, bitter coffee she walks back to our house and settles down next to the window on the table and nibbles on her cream and berry covered porridge. Walking into her room she attempts to clean the pig-sty but it never works, she picks up her dirty laundry and says she will put it in the wash… later. Home after her children and sits on the phone for the rest of the afternoon. Then T.V and dinner before hours of suffering the sound of moaning kids not wanting go to bed.

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