Thursday 31 March 2016

Kotahitanga week

For kotahitanga week we made a wharenui for the meet with room 4. Room 9 students got buddies to teach how to make a porotiti witch is a maori instrument if you want to learn how to make one then Click here or if you simply want to know what it is then click here.

Getting to know us

For our first week of homework we all made a poster about our family. The meaning for this was to get to know each other and get a little bit of a background about our classmates.


For homework a little while ago we had to make a brainstorm or poster of our family, ethnicity, pets etc. They were all different because we are all different people. This is my one.

Flag debate

At our school we did a flag debate for the students. The is what it looked like in our classroom. I voted for change because since we have the union jack on our current flag that means that we have british power over maori power and I think that it is important that maori comes first. Throughout our school most people voted change.

My self portrait

For art we did self portraits. Miss Fisher took a photo of us and we cut it in half. Then we glued that half onto a piece of paper and sketched the rest. The we put patterns in the background to make the portrait stand out.

<----------This is my one.

Thursday 24 March 2016

Reach poster

We made posters for our school values R.E.A.C.H resilience, engagement, accountability, courtesy and honesty. I did resilience for my value and on my poster I added the value in word form, the definition, and an example of what it looks like.

Wanted poster

We all made a wanted poster this is my one.

Success criteria:
*Name of the criminal

We did this because we are learning about non-continuous text. A non-continuous is when you draw or make a diagram that explains something without much text.

Tuesday 15 March 2016

Gold Goals

My gold book goal for term one and term two is to at least get close to or get a gold award for cultural. 

I will achieve this by doing as much cultural point involved activities as I can I have already applied for keyboard, choir, orchestra and music theory.

By the end of year 8 I hope to have applied for and achieved my honours badge.

Tuesday 1 March 2016

Cyber-safety poster

For this task we had to create a poster/mind map about how to be cyber safe and what activities we did to learn that.

<------ This is mine