Monday 28 November 2016

Electronics technology

For technology this term we have been doing electronics. The goal for this tech area is that we have to make a light that is personalized and that we can use in an emergency. We went through lots of steps that we learnt about before we started making the actual light. We could either use a box, corflute of we could customize the design to make it how we wanted. I used corflute that had a picture of a doughnut on the front. For the lights to work we had to do things like, connect wires, use resistors, use copper tape etc. Miss Houghton taught use how to do all of these things which was a really fun experience. Before taping the battery down it has to be glued into a triangular prism shape so it can stand and is easy to move around. This is my one before taping the battery to the corflute

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